Sleep Influencer Priscilla is the only sleep expert in Europe to have trained and worked in the USA. Every day is a new opportunity for her to help sleepless families get through the most tiring period of parenthood. She loves cappuccino, tasty chocolate, and planning her next travel adventure.
Click here to read more about her
Inspirational parenting quotes can be great. Little words of wisdom can impact and guide your life. And, sometimes, you just need to remember that you are doing great things. Just be the parent today that you want your kids to remember tomorrow. Your imperfections can be perfect! Here are some of my favorite quotes that…
Key takeaways Sleep directly impacts a baby’s health, mental, and physical development. Children grow and develop better with adequate sleep. Make sleep a top priority as from the beginning and you will likely have a happier, self-assured, less demanding, and more sociable child. Benefiting from enough qualitative sleep is essential for the whole family. Well-rested babies allow…
Summary Nobody actually sleeps in one go. We wake up several times a night, even if we do not remember these arousals. A baby sleeping through the night should actually refer to his ability to sleep unassisted throughout the night. Some infants older than 6 months old have sleep troubles mainly because they did not…
Since the coronavirus has spread to nearly all countries, we are permanently reminded the steps to follow to protect ourselves. No more handshaking, frequent and thorough hand washing, coughing and sneezing in your elbow, keeping distance from each other, and staying at home as much as possible. These low-cost measures are unhesitatingly all effective ways…
The key to change any behavior, whether it is related to sleep, work and even discipline, is consistency.
Motion sleep can become a bad sleep habit. Get to know why it should be last-resort solution when your child grows older.
Summer can rime with stressful situations and sleep disruptions. Many parents express great concern about their child’s sleep, specifically when traveling and during family visit. They worry that all the achievements related to their little one’s sleep habits are in danger if they change time zones or sleep environment.
As the sun goes down you might notice your baby getting fussier. The first thing that comes to your mind is : “How can I make my baby stop crying?”. The 5 methods I share are working for 98% of babies!
You have probably discovered that your little angel is not so tiny anymore, or you have caught your toddler making an attempt to climb out of the crib. Now, you might wonder if the time has come to go shopping for a toddler bed. Get the timing right As a Certified Sleep Coach, I generally…
On Sunday, March 11, 2018, most Americans will set their clocks forward an hour, as daylight saving time begins. Following this change, your kid might wake early, sleep late or find it hard to fall asleep at night. There are ways to prevent potential troubles following the time change.