Why becoming a Sleep Expert for babies and children?
My lifelong passion is traveling. Since I turned 17 years old, I have been moving around the world to meet different communities. I follow my instincts and settle down where life takes me. I volunteered in India, studied in Mexico and worked in Guatemala, before settling down in Switzerland. Every time, I try to perceive what makes locals so unique and what brings wealth to the nation. After graduating with a second Master degree and while being 3 months pregnant, I left my job in a Swiss private bank. Together with my husband, we move to “the city that never sleeps”. New York City will forever remind me of my discovery of motherhood…with the good, the bad and the ugly.

Waking up every 3 hours, breastfeeding and comforting my crying baby in the middle of the night was not really how I had pictured my new life. When my husband and I became parents and had no relatives around, we had to find ways to survive through irregular sleeping schedules. We had to hang on tight when I was on an emotional roller coaster. My sleep conquest started when my daughter cried every night at 5:00 a.m. to request her pacifier. I was desperate to find an efficient solution. Tired of being clueless, I contacted sleep specialists to find the best sleep-training method. After only 5 days, we got impressive results. She slept for 11 hours straight!

By helping other bone-tired parents, I developed a new passion: sleep coaching. I have always been fascinated by how Americans are avant-gardistes, including when it comes to sleep training. While pregnant with my second girl, I decided to do the Gentle Sleep Coach® training. Thanks to the experience accumulated over time, I have successfully helped many families struggling with the sleep issues.

Why a gentle sleep-training method?
The American counselor, Kim West, developed the Gentle Sleep Coach® training and certification program. Class content was delivered by qualified instructors specialized in very diverse fields such as child psychology, lactation, gastroenterology, and pediatric pneumology.
I started my career as a Gentle Sleep Coach® in Manhattan. The Dodo Coaching Method (“dodo” meaning “sleep” in French) derives from the Gentle Sleep Coaching approach. It can be successfully implemented in any family’s life. As a Sleep Expert, my goals are to be the best supporter for the parents, to work together with them to break bad habits and to provide the most reliable information. I advise clients facing a wide range of issues, from crying at bedtime to multiple and early awakenings.

Thanks to the knowledge gained and the experiences accumulated over the years, I am convinced that all children are capable of becoming good sleepers. I offer parents practical solutions to put in place. I aim to empower parents and help them to be in control, well-rested, happy and give the child the tools to master self-soothing techniques to put himself to sleep.
Timing also plays a major role when sleep training. Being a millennial, I understand parents looking for quick fixes. Like the people of my generation, I live on the principle of “I want everything, right now”. However, patience and perseverance are a magic couple, ensuring the success of sleep-training.

What can I do for you?
Because I fluently speak French, English, Spanish and Dutch, I enjoy working with parents around the world in need of sleep.
My objective? Make you become the best sleep coach for your child.
I start by comprehending how every member of your family could enjoy enough qualitative sleep every night. It begins with understanding your needs, which I place at the center of each of my suggested solution. I advise you and guide you so that you regain control of your nights and feel rested again.
There is nothing that makes me happier than hearing parents telling me they rediscovered the pleasure of peaceful evenings. It is wonderful to know that the sleep of their child is no longer a source of concern.
You will see…great sleep is addictive!